British Wool has announced the purchase of the wool handing operations of Kent Wool Growers (“KWG”) based in Ashford, Kent.
KWG has provided a wool handling service to British Wool on a sub-contract basis for years.
This follows the recent opening of the new British Wool collection centre in Ropley, Hampshire.
British Wool said the purchase will further emphasise the company's ongoing commitment to providing a "quality, reliable and effective" service to all producers in South East England.
British Wool said it will "continue to operate from the existing depot in Ashford and to market wool on producers’ behalf returning the true market value for their wool."
Farmer-owned KWG went into administration last week after one hundred years of trading.
KWG was established in Ashford, Kent in 1920 as a co-operative, compromising 73 members to start with, but eventually growing to support more than 4,000 today.
KWG offers a range of farming services, in addition to owning three retail outlets in Ashford and Eastry in Kent and Handcross, West Sussex.
The stores sell farming products ranging from clothing and footwear, to equine supplies, feed, medicines, shotguns and shooting accessories, as well as a fuel brokerage service.
KWG is also classed as an 'A' merchant for the British Wool Marketing Board.