Big names in US retail sector given taste of British cheese and lamb

According to the latest data from HMRC, UK red meat exports to the United States in 2022 topped £36 million
According to the latest data from HMRC, UK red meat exports to the United States in 2022 topped £36 million

US importers and retailers were given a taste of British cheese and lamb at an event in New York which aimed to help farmers find new markets in the world's largest economy.

Meat and dairy from the UK were on the menu at a recent showcase in New York as part of AHDB’s push to boost UK agri exports in the United States.

The event, held on 26 June, was timed to coincide with the city’s three-day Summer Fancy Food Show – an exhibition that draws importers, distributors and retailers from across North America.

According to the latest data from HMRC, red meat exports to the United States in 2022 topped £36 million.

Pork shipments made up the lion’s share, worth £27.9 million – up 18% in value on the previous year.

Last year, 1,235 tonnes of beef were exported to the US, worth £8.2m. But shipments were down on the previous year due to the beef import quota filling quickly as other exporting nations also targeted the market.

And in October of last year, the first shipment of lamb from the UK arrived in the US after more than two decades.

As well as providing a networking opportunity, the New York event helped to introduce those in the US food sector to a range of cheeses and raise their understanding of what lamb can bring to the dinner table.

AHDB’s senior exports manager for Americas, Susana Morris said: “When it comes to lamb, our aim is to build the supply chain across the US now that the market has re-opened.

“We know some 40% of consumers in the US are not lamb consumers and we’re up against concerns over taste and familiarity as well as limited knowledge of how to prepare and serve it.

“But through a carvery of lamb, we pushed the message that these animals are farmed sustainably with welfare and a grass-fed diet key factors that help produce a tasty meat.”

The US remains a key target market for exporters, with industry work ongoing to raise the profile of pork, beef and lamb from the UK to buyers across the country.

In March, six UK exporters attended the Annual Meat Conference in Texas in March to showcase the high quality and sustainability of British red meat products.

Lucy Randolph, AHDB’s senior exports manager for dairy, said about the most recent event in New York: “We offered a fabulous showcase of cheeses to the audience for them to try.

“It was great to see a number of exporters, importers, distributors, buyers, retailers and foodservice people taking up the opportunity to network and enjoy some quality produce from our side of the Atlantic.”