Bentazone Stewardship - be aware!

Users of bentazone must collectively take up the mantle of BASF’s Water Stewardship campaign or they could lose this useful post-emergence herbicide altogether in the future.

Bentazone is a post-emergence broad-leaved weed herbicide used in spring and winter field beans, broad beans, dwarf French beans, navy and runner beans, peas, linseed, narcissi and potatoes. It also has EAMUs for use on salad onions, leeks garlic, bulb onions, shallots, ground cover, ornamental plant production, hops, chives and herbs.

Bentazone is the most frequently detected pesticide in UK groundwater and it is also found in surface water. This is also the case in Europe. As there is now a link between EU legislation on pesticides and on water, authorisation for bentazone products in Europe could be restricted or lost altogether unless care is taken to protect water.

The Stewardship recommendations that should be followed are displayed in the table above.