The TB Advisory Service (TBAS) has launched awards to champion farmers' efforts in reducing the risk of a bovine TB breakdown.
The inaugural TBAS Awards 2021 wants to recognise those farmers who work hard in minimising the impact bTB can have on their business.
Bovine TB remains the greatest animal health threat that England faces today, with more than 30,000 cattle slaughtered each year due to infection.
Defra recently published a report which calculated the financial impact of bTB on British farms, showing that a breakdown costs on average £6,600.
TBAS says it is looking for farmers who, for example, have significantly altered purchasing or breeding strategies to build resilience to TB.
He or she could also be a suckler herd manager that has badger proofed feed, water or raised their mineral licks.
"This willingness to go above and beyond what government asks of farmers is exactly what we want to show off with our awards," explains TBAS.
"All too often, especially in the national media farmers are criticised for not doing what they can to prevent TB.
"We want to show everyone that this isn’t the case and farmers, as always, are rising to the challenge, being resourceful, innovative and eager to embrace change for the better."
Award categories include Dairy farmer; Suckler farmer; Calf rearer/beef finisher; Innovator; and on farm advisor.
The award entries have now opened for nominations and will run through to the end of 2020.
Judging will take place in January 2021 with winners announced in February.