A computer system failure over the weekend has led to NFU Scotland requesting that the deadline for submitting agri-environment climate scheme (AECS) applications be extended to Monday 25 April.
A previous request from NFUS to further extend the AECS application deadline beyond today (20 April) had been rejected by Scottish Government.
But with the system having been unavailable for two days at this late stage in the process, the Union believes a short extension should be granted.
As well as extending the application deadline to next week, the Union believes that there remains a justifiable case for the deadline for submitting supporting evidence for applications – currently set at 16 May – to be extended to the end of June.
At the moment, the timetable for pulling together essential supporting documentation for AECS applications clashes with the deadline for submitting Single Application Forms (SAF) for 2016.
Successfully completing a SAF online is necessary if a farm business is to secure support from the new CAP schemes.
Short extension 'entirely appropriate'
NFU Scotland’s President Allan Bowie said: "Given the disruption to AECS applications at the weekend, we believe a short extension in the deadline is entirely appropriate before people’s attention rightly turns to getting their SAF form completed.
"Given the extreme difficulties encountered with the online application system for SAF 2015, every farmer’s focus from now until 16 May will rightly be on getting their SAF 2016 filed.
"Extending the deadline for supporting documentation to the end of June would avoid diverting necessary attention from meeting SAF deadlines and would allow more effective assessment of habitats to underpin better applications.
"If effective and meaningful AECS applications are going to deliver the desired environmental outcomes, then the supporting documentation must be given the best chance to be properly prepared.
"Longer term, NFUS has always supported a continuous application and approval process. Such an approach would avoid this annual single AECS application window clashing on an annual basis with SAF application.
"Scottish Government should revert to the original concept of an on-going application process to avoid approval bottlenecks and allow the most effective, targeted proposals the chance to deliver what is best for the environment and ensure the best value for limited rural development money."
What is the agri-environment scheme?
The Agri-Environment Climate Scheme promotes land management practices which protect and enhance Scotland’s magnificent natural heritage, improve water quality, manage flood risk and mitigate and adapt to climate change.
It will also help to improve public access and preserve historic sites.
A total of £350 million will be available between 2015 and 2020 to fund a range of activities that help to maintain and enhance our rich and varied natural environment.