A regular complaint of the highest production Holstein sires is their daughters’ poor fertility, and a quick scan down the Fertility Index column of the top 20 bull list reveals that several are lacking in this area.
But a newcomer has entered the rankings with a daughter Fertility Index of +7.6, making him not only one of the best fertility improvers in the Holstein breed, but also the runaway leader amongst the top 20 PLI (Profitable Lifetime Index) sires.
The bull is All-Riehl Paxton and the excellent daughter fertility he transmits is complemented by outstanding production, health and fitness traits which combine to earn him his high PLI at £201.
Daughter lifespans are exceptional at +0.5; cell counts are outstanding at -19; and his all-round production proof features an impressive 571kg milk and 37kg fat plus protein.
With a respectable 0.99 Type Merit, his daughters have stature, chest width, body depth and foot angle and are also noted for very low pins.
Paxton’s pedigree will have wide appeal as his sire is the world’s number one profitability bull, O-Bee Manfred Justice and his dam is an EX93 daughter of Rudolph, which has five lactations to her credit of which three exceeded 14,000kg. High milk production continues through his back pedigree, seen in his Cypress Hill Laban-sired maternal grandam, whose five lactations featured three at over 12,900kg.
Semen from Dairy Daughters is priced at a very reasonable £18 and it is available sexed at £38.