Scotland's international exports have increased by £460m to £29.8bn in 2016, with agri-food being the main driver.
The figures, which excludes oil and gas, show a drive in sales to non-EU countries. Overall, export figures show an increase of £460 million to £29.8 billion in 2016.
The rise, revealed in a government document, was driven largely be an increase in agri-food exports.
Food and drink exports were up £275 million (5.3%) to £5.5 billion in 2016, driven by strong whisky exports (£4.0 billion in 2016).
The US continues to be its top international export destination country, with sales worth £4.8bn.
International food and drink exports to the EU are up by £70 million (3.5%). However, figures show sales to the rest of the UK dropped.
Food and drink is seen as the jewel in Scotland’s economic crown. The manufacture of food and beverages continues to be the largest industry for international exports in Scotland.
According to NFU Scotland, around 67,000 people are directly employed in agriculture in Scotland – representing around 8% of the rural workforce. This means that agriculture is the third largest employer in rural Scotland after the service and public sectors.
It is estimated that a further 360,000 jobs (1 in 10 of all Scottish jobs) are dependent on agriculture.
Scotland's Economy Secretary Keith Brown said the figures are "encouraging", and that its food and drink sector is performing "particularly well".
However, Mr Brown warned of the UK government steering towards a hard Brexit that may damage its burgeoning food and drink exports.
“It is clear that if the UK Government continues in its plan to withdraw from the European single market and the customs union, putting barriers in the way of international exports, that our economy could be severely damaged in future,” Mr Brown explained.
“As part of our efforts to boost Scotland’s export performance in any circumstance we have appointed Trade Envoys to champion Scottish interests at home and abroad, we’re continuing to enhance the SDI presence in Europe and we’re establishing new international innovation and investment hubs.
“And we will continue to push to remain in, at least, the single market and customs union and retain and rebuild the relationships Scottish businesses have in Europe.”
'Greatest threat'
The figures follow news of Rural Affairs Secretary Fergus Ewing calling Brexit the "greatest threat" to Scottish agriculture.
He said leaving the European Union presents Scottish farming with an "unprecedented challenge," and it will affect the level of future support payments farmers and crofters receive, whether they operate a "small hill farm or large lowland farm".
Scotland could feel the effects of withdrawal from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) more than other parts of the United Kingdom.
A Brexit report by the AHDB says: "EU funds are proportionately more important to Scotland than the rest of the UK. The largest part of Scotland’s pre- allocated EU funds come from CAP Pillar I with support to farmers’ incomes provided in the form of direct payments and market-support measures.
"Scottish agriculture would be more exposed to any reductions in support levels, given that support contributes a higher proportion of farm business income. Future decisions on the level of agricultural budgets and how this funding is allocated will be important."