Scottish beef sector stakeholders are looking to increase uptake of the new Beef Efficiency Scheme (BES) before the 31 May deadline.
Representatives of the NFU Scotland, Scottish Beef Association and others met in Edinburgh and agreed to build on the growing support for the scheme, worth as estimated £45 million over three years.
By getting involved in the scheme, which looks to improve the efficiency, sustainability and quality of the Scottish beef herd, producers will be eligible for funding equivalent to £32 per calf for three years.
'It does give farmers money based on the size of their herd'
NFU Scotland Livestock committee chairman Charlie Adam said: "The Union has worked hard to gain clarity on some of the outstanding concerns.
"The European Commission have been quite clear that BES cannot be a coupled scheme and there is no option to bolster beef production by pushing further funds into our current beef calf scheme.
"Whilst this scheme, delivered through rural development funds, is not coupled to production it does give farmers money based on the size of their herd in 2015 and can assist those beef producers seeing a significant reduction in their direct payments.
"There are many merits to the aims of the scheme and much of what farmers are asked to do will benefit their business.
"In these difficult times, most producers are looking very hard at the bottom line and through BES, a typical herd of 75 cows will get access to an estimated £7,000 thanks to the scheme.
"In these cash strapped times, very few businesses can afford to let the opportunity of an additional funding stream pass.
"Although payment is proposed for the first three years of the scheme, the Union will keep pushing for farmers to be paid for the full 5-year term.
"It is worth reminding those who are swithering that for those who sign up to BES and ultimately decide it is not for them, we have assurance from Scottish Government that they can withdraw without penalty up until payment by Scottish Government in 2017.
"However, if you don’t sign up by 31 May, then the opportunity for established beef herd is lost.
"That said, the Union will keep pushing for the scheme to be adapted to allow new entrants to join and for developing business to be taken better into account.
"They are the future of the Scottish industry and the ones who will deliver the benefits and efficiencies of the Scheme in the long term."
Additional subsidy support
Scott Henderson of the Scottish Beef Association added: "The SBA is 100% behind the aims of the BES.
"It firstly gives additional subsidy support equivalent to £32 per calf per year for at least the next 3 years. The information that farmers need to provide is no more than most producers record anyway.
"Applicants also get the services of a specialist consultant, free of charge, to help identify your own weaknesses.
"Although a five-year scheme, and funding is only guaranteed for the first three, the efficiency gains generated by management changes throughout its course should deliver benefits back to the bottom line of the business long before the money runs out.
"For every extra calf that you sell, it will add directly to your profit with, in many cases, no extra costs and the same can be said for every kilo extra of liveweight gain your cattle achieve."