Police praise 'can-do attitude' of farmer who helped clear Storm Henk debris

Police hailed the efforts of a farmer who helped clear a fallen tree off a busy main road (Photo: Northamptonshire Police)
Police hailed the efforts of a farmer who helped clear a fallen tree off a busy main road (Photo: Northamptonshire Police)

Police have praised the 'can-do attitude' of a local farmer who helped clear debris from the A5 following the aftermath of Storm Henk.

Roads policing officers at Northamptonshire Police hailed the 'community spirit' of Mr Peters from Homestead Farm after the storm wrecked havoc across the UK.

The force received a report of a fallen tree blocking both lanes of the road in Potterspury, which members of the public were valiantly trying to move.

Officers joined the efforts, enabling the tree to be moved enough so that some traffic could resume, before awaiting further assistance from Highways partners who were busy attending similar incidents elsewhere.

While all this was happening, a local farmer stopped to offer his help in fully moving the tree with his tractor, which the force said was 'gratefully accepted'.

Attending officer PC Tarnia Slater said: “Mr Peters from Homestead Farm was incredibly helpful, using his initiative and in the spirit of the local community helping clear the road completely.

“Without his help, and that of the other motorists who stopped, everyone would have been stuck there waiting for a long time.

"So I wanted to offer our thanks to them all for so selflessly helping everyone get on with their day.”

In 2020, a Herefordshire farmer was commended by police as the 'true embodiment of community spirit' after he helped clear roads of storm debris following Storm Ciara.

Tom Mixture, who farms at Woodoaks Farm in Maple Cross, worked with the police for 14 hours and covered over 200 miles across the district, re-opening 21 roads.