Man ordered to pay out £24k after burning waste on-farm

John Patrick Radford burned waste brought to his farm by third parties (Photo: Environment Agency)
John Patrick Radford burned waste brought to his farm by third parties (Photo: Environment Agency)

A Derbyshire man has been ordered to pay out over £24,000 for illegally burning waste on his farm without an environmental permit.

In a case at Derby Magistrates’ Court on 29 March, John Patrick Radford, 76, admitted two offences of operating a regulated facility without an environmental permit.

He was fined £10,000 and ordered to pay costs of £14,000, plus a victim surcharge of £120.

Between September 2016 and 2018, Mr Radford burned waste brought to the farm by third parties and continued to operate despite warnings from the Environment Agency to stop the activity.

He had registered an exemption under the regulations for the burning of waste, but this only allowed the burning of green waste or untreated wood waste produced on site. It not allow waste to be brought in from elsewhere to be burnt.

The court was told that the burning waste produced large quantities of smoke which affected two neighbours who had complained. The smoke also posed a danger to drivers on the main road outside the farm.

In sentencing, the Judge said Mr Radford’s claim that he did not obtain any financial benefit from the activity was “incredulous”.

He also stated that the defendant had ample opportunity to stop the unlawful activity before the prosecution was brought against him, but he chose not to do so.

The Judge stated that he would impose a financial penalty due to Mr Radford’s age, his lack of previous convictions, and the absence of any further offending.

The Environment Agency said it welcomed this sentence as it "should act as a deterrent to others considering flouting the law".

"Any person or business who treats, stores or deposits waste without the required environmental permit is breaking the law," a spokesperson said.

"The conditions of an environmental permit are designed to protect people and the environment.

"Failure to comply with these legal requirements is a serious offence that can damage the environment, harm human health and undermine local legitimate waste companies."