Luxan Slug-Lentils set to stir up molluscicide market

Crop protection specialist Luxan has launched an innovative new alternative to slug pellets that looks set to shake-up the molluscicide market.

A long overdue development in effective slug control, new Delicia Slug-Lentils dramatically reduce the amount of metaldehyde needed, and remain intact in wet weather conditions, promising to cut the amount of time and money spent managing the pests.

Peter Boyne, Technical Manager at Luxan explains: "Traditionally, slug pellets have been manufactured using a wet or dry process, but Delicia Slug-Lentils are made from a unique and patented process, using a mixture that distributes the metaldehyde so evenly throughout the lentil that it halves the amount needed - only 3% of a lentil is metaldehyde, compared to up to 6% in a pellet.

"The mixture is also highly palatable to slugs, maximising the take-up once the lentils are distributed, and adding to the efficacy of the product."

At an application rate of just 3kg/ha for agricultural crops, and providing 30-33 baiting points/m² the lentils distribute a highly efficient 90g/ha of active substance, compared to as much as 900g/ha with a full rate of some pellets.

"Add to this the fact that the lentils will perform excellently in all weather conditions, and you have a product that reduces metaldehyde levels by up to 90%, reduces packaging and with a low application rate that reduces fill occasions for applicators," says Mr Boyne. "Farmers concerned about packaging disposal and their ELS or HLS requirements should look closely at this product."