Liberal Democrats pledge to 'rescue' farmers from 'years of neglect'

In the manifesto, the Liberal Democrats said they would 'stand up' for British farmers
In the manifesto, the Liberal Democrats said they would 'stand up' for British farmers

The Liberal Democrats have pledged to 'rescue' farmers from 'years of neglect', as the party launched its general election manifesto today.

Plans have been outlined for numerous issues impacting the industry, including the future of Environmental Land Management schemes (ELMs), UK trade deals and bovine TB.

The party warned today (10 June) that the UK's food system was "failing to serve the interests of citizens, whether they are farmers or consumers".

It said the the Conservatives’ 'botched deal' with the EU was contributing to food shortages and high food prices, while damaging farmers’ ability to export to markets in Europe.

The party said: "Farmers are key allies in tackling climate change and the nature crisis, caring for and restoring the countryside while producing high-quality food for our tables.

"But their ability to do this is threatened by the Conservative government’s botched transition away from the Basic Payment Scheme.

"We support the move to public money for public goods, but many farmers are seeing their incomes threatened as old payments are cut and new payments are not fully rolled out or properly funded."

The Lib Dems said it would introduce a 'holistic and comprehensive' National Food Strategy to ensure food security, tackle rising food prices, end food poverty and improve health and nutrition.

It would also accelerate the rollout of the new ELM schemes, by funding the farming budget with an extra £1 billion a year.

And all future trade deals would need to meet the UK's high food production standards, the party said, amid fears that these could undercut British farmers.

The Lib Dems added: "Farmers have had to contend with increases in bills for energy, fertilisers and feed. It is hardly surprising we have seen food shortages in the supermarkets.

"Liberal Democrats will stand up for British farmers and ensure everyone can get affordable, healthy and nutritious food, produced to high welfare and environmental standards."

Manifesto launches from Labour and the Conservatives are expected this week.

What are the Lib Dems pledging to do for farmers?

If elected on 4 July 2024, the Liberal Democrats have pledged to:

• Introduce a National Food Strategy to ensure food security, tackle rising food prices, end food poverty and improve health and nutrition.

• Accelerate the rollout of the new Environmental Land Management schemes, funding it with an extra £1 billion a year

• Maintain high health, environmental and animal welfare standards in food production and guarantee that all future trade deals will meet them too

• Give farmers the ability to trade with European neighbours with minimal need for checks by negotiating veterinary and plant health agreements.

• Support farmers in restoring woodland, peatland and waterways, creating new natural flood protections and managing land, while producing food