The residual and contact-acting herbicide, flumioxazin, available as SumiMax, Digital and Guillotine, has a new and significant off label approval for use in vining peas just in time for the season.
The SOLA in vining peas was applied for by the Horticultural Development Council (HDC), who conducted the efficacy and selectivity work. Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd and Interfarm have provided the necessary residue data to support this submission. In vining peas the SOLA is for the control of volunteer potatoes, which are a problem in this crop as potato berries are toxic and of a similar size to peas and are difficult to remove at the factory. Their presence in vining pea samples may lead to crop rejection and so can have a significant economic impact. Flumioxazin will also control a range of weeds including cleavers, charlock, chickweed, pansy, red dead-nettle, mayweed, groundsel and nightshades at 1-3 leaves in size and particularly when soils are moist.
Applied at 80-100 ml/hectare, SumiMax, Digital and Guillotine can be sprayed post crop emergence from 5 true leaves to before flowers buds are visible (BBCH 15-51). The crop must be suitably waxed to aid crop selectivity, although spotting can occur on the crop especially if rainfall has occurred just prior to application. The Harvest Interval is 42 days for vining peas.
Jim Scrimshaw of PGRO points out that, since the loss of Fortrol (cyanazine) in 2007, the chance to control the formation of potato berries (or apples) has been lost. He reports on a HDC funded project that had been running at Kirton since 2004 to identify active ingredients which could potentially fill the gaps in the vegetable herbicide armoury in light of the first wave of herbicide losses in 2007. Volunteer potato control was included in this work in 2006 by independent specialist Cathy Knott.
Applied post-emergence, flumioxazin was shown to give suppression of volunteer potatoes and help prevent flower and berry formation with acceptable levels of crop damage.
Good wax levels on the crop are crucial to maintaining this tolerance. Avoid applying flumioxazin if foliage is wet as this can lead to increased crop damage. Rainfall shortly after application may enhance residual activity, but may increase the level of crop damage.
Flumioxazin is formulated as a white, non-staining, easy-to-use suspension concentrate containing 300 gms ai/litre and is packed in a 500 ml pack. It can be used for the control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds, including charlock, chickweed, cleavers, common poppy, field pansy, fumitory, groundsel, speedwells, mayweed, red deadnettle and Shepherd’s purse, and some grass-weeds. It should not be used with any partner products or adjuvants when used in vining peas, as this could increase the contact activity and may cause severe spotting on the crop. Adequate leaf wax is essential to ensure good crop safety. Due to the high level of activity in relation to the low use rate, always thoroughly wash out the sprayer after use. A proprietary tank cleaner is recommended.
Interfarm has limited background trials information on this crop as all the development work has been conducted by HDC. Dr. David Stormonth, Technical Manager, Interfarm UK Ltd. would be pleased to address any questions you may have. Jim Scrimshaw of PGRO can also be contacted for comment on 01780 782585.
As is the case for all SOLA’s granted by PSD, Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd as manufacturer of SumiMax, Digital and Guillotine, and Interfarm as UK distributor, decline any liability in case of crop damage or efficacy enquiries.