Charity fund set up by farmers who rescued 'world's loneliest sheep'

The farmers involved in her rescue and her new home have set a target of £2,500 to be raised for two rural charities
The farmers involved in her rescue and her new home have set a target of £2,500 to be raised for two rural charities

A fund has been set up by Scottish farmers involved in the rescue of the 'world's loneliest sheep' after a tidal wave of goodwill from the public.

The ewe, now named Fiona, was recently rescued after being stranded for over two years at the foot of cliffs in the Scottish Highlands.

There has been hundreds of offers of donations since, following media coverage of the mission to get the sheep safely to her new home.

Fiona had spent more than two years in a location generally agreed to be too treacherous to attempt to remove her.

The ewe was found to be in good health after the rescue and, having been checked over by Scottish SPCA inspectors, she is now settling into her new home at Dalscone Farm.

“We know that Fiona has touched the hearts of millions of people world wide,” said Ben Best of Dalscone Farm.

“We have had loads of requests about how to donate to her cause but she’s got everything she could ever need at Dalscone.

"Instead, we have set up the Fiona Fund in her name and would love to raise some money for some very important charities which have been involved in her rescue and her story so far.”

Due to her isolated location she had missed having her annual wool clip and her natural wool growth had resulted in a very big fleece.

This has now been expertly and carefully clipped off by one of the farmers involved in her safe recovery, Cammy Wilson.

The aim is to raffle some products made from Fiona’s wool, as well as collecting donations, but Cammy points out that, having not been clipped for some time, the quality of the wool is presenting something of a challenge.

“I don’t think it will be possible to make many items from the fleece – in reality we may be struggling to even get one jumper – but we are looking at a variety of other exciting possibilities to make the most of her wool,” said Cammy.

“The media interest and public support for Fiona has been absolutely incredible and we are very grateful for all the goodwill from people who have been following her story.”

Two Scottish charities, RSABI and the Scottish SPCA, have been chosen to benefit from donations and fundraising following the successful rescue of Fiona.

The farmers involved in her rescue and her new home have set a target of £2,500 to be raised for the two charities.

Donations to Fiona’s fund can be made via an online JustGiving page.