A soil carbon scheme has this year paid more than 800 farmers in the UK, France and Belgium for greener farming practices, up from 400 in 2022.
In 2024, a 16% increase in the value of carbon to £33.05 has seen total farmer payments continue to grow quickly; 2023 farmer payments totalled £3 million.
Farmer payments for 2024 are ongoing with payment cycles every four months, Soil Carbon explained today (15 July().
Across a 240,000 hectare area of farmland, a total carbon impact of 235,000 tonnes was secured comprising emissions reductions and carbon storage.
Soil Capital is Europe's first certified initiative that monetises carbon sequestration associated with farms transitioning to more environmentally friendly practices.
Chuck de Liedekerke, co-founder of Soil Capital, said: “There are high expectations on farmers when it comes to reimagining resilient food systems, combatting climate change and restoring nature.
"We’re quickly growing a community of farmers being paid for improvements in soil health and conservation of our natural ecosystems – a significant triple win for farmer livelihoods, climate and nature.”
Global companies such as Royal Canin, Roquette, Boortmalt and Cefetra purchase Soil Capital Certificates as part of their investment in strengthening and securing their agricultural supply chains and delivering their climate and sustainability goals.
The Soil Capital programme utilises a methodology certified by a carbon indicator, aligned with corporate objectives to reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions.