'Opening the Gate' scheme returns to give new entrants more skills

The rural charity says there are numerous key barriers preventing people from entering the agricultural industry
The rural charity says there are numerous key barriers preventing people from entering the agricultural industry

A virtual workshop for young people and new entrants will soon take place, aiming to provide new skills and confidence to succeed in the industry.

The Royal Countryside Fund, formerly the Prince’s Countryside Fund, is now welcoming sign ups for the latest session of the Opening the Gate programme.

Taking place on Monday 9 October, the workshop will address the challenges of gaining practical experience and accessing agricultural networks.

There will be a focus on career development opportunities, according to the rural charity, as well as engagement with the online farming community for network building and to further careers.

Attendees will hear from popular agricultural podcasters Becca and Lizzie, as well as from the Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture.

The programme has been informed following research by the Royal Countryside Fund to understand the key barriers preventing people from entering the agricultural industry.

Whilst access to finance and land came up as the greatest barriers, knowledge exchange and development opportunities were also sparse.

For example, over half of respondents wanted to access support but were unaware how or where to do so.

Keith Halstead, executive director of the Royal Countryside Fund, said the charity was committed to supporting young people and new entrants into farming.

"The Opening the Gate programme which will equip young people with the networks, resources and expertise to ensure sustainable and viable farming enterprises for the future.”

Opening the Gate is also backed by Aldi UK, which has a three-year partnership from 2021 to 2024 with the Royal Countryside Fund.

Interested individuals can now register or find out more about the programme.

Earlier this month, the Royal Countryside Fund announced the launch of this year's Farm Resilience Programme, with dairy and livestock farms in in Scotland, Wales and NI encouraged to participate.