Theresa May has today been installed as the new Prime Minister of the UK, holding a heavy task of delivering a favourable Brexit deal for British farmers and rural businesses.
Numerous agricultural and countryside organisations have commented on Mrs May's ascension as Prime Minister, with hopes and doubts discussed.
The CLA is hoping the incertainty around the future of Countryside Stewardship, which is putting at risk the environmental management of more than a million hectares of land by farmers and land managers, will be a priority of the Mrs May's government.
CLA Director of Policy and Advice Christopher Price said: "Targeted agri-environment schemes deliver biodiversity, flood risk and water quality benefits across 15% of England’s farm area (1.3 million hectares).
"The latest scheme, Countryside Stewardship, planned to inject over £900 million into the rural economy.
"Now, one year into a five year scheme, there is no clarity from The Treasury as to whether existing agreements will be honoured or new agreements offered.
"We are concerned – and Government should be concerned too – about the impacts on the environment and rural businesses who have committed to carrying out environmental measures over the coming years and have budgeted around the funding that enables them to carry out this important work.
"Thousands of rural businesses currently face uncertainty as to whether they will be able to apply for Countryside Stewardship in 2017.
"The scheme struggled to attract applicants last year due to its confused introduction and overly bureaucratic processes.
"This current uncertainty must be cleared up quickly and decisively if farm businesses are going to invest the time and money needed to develop their applications over the coming weeks.
"We are calling on the next Government to make an immediate commitment that all existing agri-environment agreements will be honoured through to the end of their contracted terms, and that agri-environment schemes which are currently open for applicants will remain open."
Urging the new PM to back British farming
The NFU has also been amongst those who have congratulated Theresa May on her appointment, advising her to back British farming.
In a letter to 10 Downing Street, Mr Raymond says he looks forward to working with the Government at an historic time to help shape a new agricultural policy which encourages growth, innovation, productivity and profitability.
"As our new Prime Minister will know all too well from meeting NFU members in her Maidenhead constituency, the British farming industry has transformed itself to become innovative, sustainable and consumer-focused," said Mr Raymond.
"It’s a seriously important industry - the bedrock of our largest manufacturing sector worth £108 billion per annum and one that employs 3.9 million people across the UK.
"In fact, it’s a sector bigger than the aeronautical and automobile manufacturing sectors combined.
"The NFU has an ambitious vision and our members are keen to achieve even more for Britain; with a rapidly growing population, declining food self-sufficiency, and new export markets there is huge potential for growth.
"The NFU is about to embark on a massive consultation with our membership - the biggest of its kind for a lifetime - with our officeholder team visiting all parts of the country in the coming weeks.
"This will allow us to help shape the next domestic agricultural policy – one based on sound science and crucially one which guarantees the support given to our farmers will be on par with farmers in the EU who will still be our principle competitors.
"I want our new Prime Minister to champion British food and farming and I have extended an open invitation to her to meet with me and my fellow officeholders, in order to share our vision for an exciting, dynamic and profitable future."
'Detailed Emissions Reduction Plan'
On a more environmental side of things, the Aldersgate Group has welcomed Mrs May’s 'rapid appointment', mainly for businesses that have faced a high degree of uncertainty following the political turmoil in recent weeks.
The group, which consists of leaders from business, politics and civil society that drives action for a sustainable economy, urges Mrs May to safeguard the UK’s growing low carbon economy, which generated a turnover in excess of £46bn in 2014, and has become a key driver of jobs, skills and investment in parts of the country that need it the most.
"A key priority for Mrs May’s government should the development of a detailed Emissions Reduction Plan by the end of 2016," the Alliance says.
"This will be key to drive business investment in the UK’s low carbon infrastructure to meet the UK’s climate targets.
"It will put British-based businesses in a strong position to tap into the rapidly growing global market for low carbon goods and services that was valued at around $5.5tn.
"As highlighted in yesterday’s report from the Committee on Climate Change, Mrs May’s government should also put forward in the near future a 25 Year Plan for the Environment.
The Alliance added: "This will be essential to improve the state of the natural environment on which our economy and society depends and ensure the UK’s infrastructure, businesses and citizens are better prepared to cope with the effects of climate change, such as increased flooding and heat waves."
UK's exit from EU 'a priority'
Nick Molho, Executive Director of the Aldersgate Group said: "Theresa May and her new government have a lot to do.
"Clearly, negotiations for the UK’s exit from the European Union will be a priority, but there are opportunities over the next few months to stabilise the UK’s policy landscape and ensure that businesses investing in our low carbon and environmental sectors can continue to do so.
"We urge Mrs May to provide continuity and leadership for the UK’s low carbon economy."
Nick Molho added: "For forty years, European environmental legislation has provided a 'backstop' for businesses considering investment in the UK, providing policy continuity beyond the domestic five-year parliamentary cycle.
"The new government’s priority must be to restore that confidence as swiftly as possible through ambitious and stable environmental policy."