A £120m government scheme aimed at supporting rural businesses and projects that help create new jobs has been launched by the government.
The Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) supports projects that invest in building businesses, creating new jobs and growing the economy in rural areas.
£120 million is available through three new national calls for projects.
The calls have been developed in collaboration with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and will be open to support food processing, business development and tourism infrastructure projects for an initial period of 12 months.
RPA Rural Development Director Alison Webster said: "This is excellent news for small and micro-businesses, particularly the food and drink and tourism sectors, which play a major role in the economy of rural areas.
"We are looking to support high quality, high impact investments and we encourage small rural businesses to grasp this opportunity to think big.
"A series of workshops for applicants are being arranged across England that will help familiarise businesses with the calls and provide the opportunity to talk to our Rural Development team and Local Enterprise Partnerships."