Agricultural educator awarded OBE in New Year Honours

Janet Swadling Swadling, chief executive of the Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (TIAH), is well known in the field of agricultural education
Janet Swadling Swadling, chief executive of the Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (TIAH), is well known in the field of agricultural education

Agricultural educator Janet Swadling has been awarded an OBE in the King’s New Year Honours list 2023 for services to farming and education.

Ms Swadling, who heads the agricultural skills body the Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (TIAH), is well known in the field of agricultural education.

She has held a variety of senior posts in the farming skills and development sector over nearly 30 years.

In addition to having played a pivotal role in TIAH’s formation, Ms Swadling is a former chief executive of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).

She also sits on the boards of several organisations including AHDB and Zero Waste Scotland, and is an associate of the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland.

Janet said the award of an OBE was a 'wonderful surprise': "I feel tremendously honoured to have been recognised in this way," she added.

“Throughout my career, particularly at SRUC and establishing TIAH, I have been fortunate to work with some very talented people without whose support and team working this award would not have been possible.

“I have also benefited from the encouragement and unfailing understanding of my daughters, family and friends for which I am very grateful.

"I look forward to continuing to champion the development of agriculture skills and education.”

TIAH’s chair David Fursdon said: "Janet has had a very distinguished career and we are extremely lucky that she has brought her huge experience and knowledge together to skilfully position TIAH as a force for professionalism in agriculture and horticulture.

“It has been under Janet’s expert leadership that TIAH has emerged as a key organisation to drive skills, training and development within the industry.

"On behalf of the Board and the staff team at TIAH, I congratulate Janet on this wonderful and very well-deserved award.”

Christine Middlemiss, the UK's chief veterinary officer (CVO), has been made a Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB) for her services to UK farming.

The New Year Honours was issued for the CVO's 'crucial role' in maintaining the standard of animal health and welfare in the UK.