NFU Cymru calls for interim single farm payments to help ease cash-flow difficulties

Financial distress is growing amongst the 20% of Welsh farmers who are anxiously awaiting their Single Farm Payment; which is why NFU Cymru is today calling for Rural Payments Wales to make an interim payment pending the resolution of outstanding queries.

Dai Davies, President of NFU Cymru, has written to the Minister for Rural Affairs, Elin Jones. In the letter Mr Davies said, "We have continuously highlighted that this was going to be a very difficult year for farmers in Wales trying to cope with the after effects of Foot and Mouth Disease and the Blue Tongue Virus.

"What exacerbates the frustrations of those awaiting payments, however, is that the delay, in some instances, is attributed to repeat queries and non-sensical queries that have been previously addressed by the claimant!"

Mr Davies continued, "We do acknowledge and congratulate the Welsh Assembly Government and Rural Payments Wales for releasing Single Farm Payments to some 80% of claimants by the end of December 2007 but this is of no comfort to those awaiting their Single Farm Payment. We also appreciate the fact that the payment window extends to the end of June, but, we do not want to see a situation where those already in financial difficulty face financial ruin.

"Given the quite exceptional circumstances we are in, we are asking Rural Payment Wales to make an interim payment pending resolution of outstanding queries which would at least help ease the cash flow difficulties at the most costly time of year for livestock producers."