Drumfours Farms

Property Details

Extending to approximately 71.68 Acres (29 Ha), Drumfours is relatively flat and compact. The land is classified as Grade 3.2 according to the James Hutton Institute’s land classification for agriculture system. Grade 3.2 land is widely regarded as capable of producing good yields of a narrow range of crops, principally cereals and grass, and/or moderate yields of a wider range including potatoes, some vegetable crops (e.g. field beans and summer harvested brassicae) and oil-seed rape.

The Soil Survey of Scotland suggests the majority of the ground is comprised of freely draining brown soils from the Tarves Association with areas of Noncalcareous Gleys.

There is also a range of traditional agricultural buildings and a concrete loading pad which feeds into the existing stock handling area.

While undoubtedly of arable quality, the ground has been managed via a series of annual grazing lets for a number of years, resulting in the entire farm being recorded as Permanent Grazings (PGRS) with the Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate (SGRPID). This can be considered an underutilisation given the farms' relative potential productive capacity and past performance with a rotation that included potatoes, wheat, barley and turnips. The decision to manage the land in this way is however quite deliberate in light of the current proprietor’s desire to concentrate their efforts on the diversification into the successful fencing and agricultural supplies business.

Drumfours is accessed via a private track which leads directly to the public highway (A980) and is of sufficient width and quality to facilitate larger vehicles.

The farm ranges in altitude between approximately 198m and 215m above sea level and is currently subdivided into roughly 6 enclosures, the majority of which are well suited to modern mechanised farming practices, with four smaller paddocks which would be useful for stock management.

Overall, Drumfours is a condensed and fertile holding with a yard that provides the opportunity to start farming immediately, while simultaneously representing some development potential subject to necessary consents. Well suited to a new entrant or someone wishing to establish a small landholding.

Property Location

Bidwells - Aberdeen

19 August 2024

Alford, Aberdeenshire,
AB33 8NU


01224 974130
