Scotland's Rural College

Scotland's Rural College delivers comprehensive skills, education and business support for Scotland’s land-based industries, founded on world class and sector-leading research, education and consultancy.

Four respected partners – Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges and SAC – have merged to become Scotland’s Rural College – SRUC. We exist to deliver comprehensive skills, education and business support for Scotland’s land-based industries, founded on world class and sector-leading research, education and consultancy. The integration of these three complementary ‘knowledge exchange’ services is of significant value to all with an interest in land-based activities – be they learners, businesses, communities or policy-makers.

The future for the land-based industries will be extremely challenging with competing demands and new opportunities to be addressed. The next generation of business leaders and policy makers will need to be highly skilled and knowledgeable to navigate their way through a complex operating environment.

To achieve this, we will draw on our accomplished history of more than a century of success in supporting landbased communities and industries.

Strong in our heritage, yet stronger still as SRUC, we will strive to lead the way in delivering economic, social and environmental benefits while providing a strong voice for our rural industries.

Scotland's Rural College

University Avenue, Ayr

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