Course overview
This course enables students to prepare and use hand held injection pesticides applicators. Including nozzle selection, calibration and safe operation.For the use of injection in Japanese Knot Weed and Giant Hogweed.Course Content
Environmental risksLegal and safety requirementsInterpretation of the labelPreparation and maintenance of the applicatorNeedle types and sizesCalibrationFilling and mixing proceduresSafe injection of pesticidesApplication record sheetsCleaning and storage proceduresSafe disposal of unwanted pesticidesEquipment RequiredCoveralls; type 3,4 or 5 & 6 as per code of practiceFace shield; full face protectionNitrile gloves (minimum of 0.5mm thickness and 300mm long) as per code of practiceWellington or full legength water repellent boots with a good grip and must have steel toe capCalculator (not on a mobile phone)Stop watchNotepad and Pen