Royal Welsh Sustainable Grass & Muck Event

The RWAS Feature County for 2024, Ceredigion will host the Sustainable Grass and Muck event at Aberystwyth University Farm, Trawsgoed on Thursday 30th May 2024.

The farm area is 2000 acres spread over several sites, Trawscoed farm will be the site for the Ceredigion 2024 RWAS Sustainable Grass and Muck Event.

Trawscoed farm is a 1000 acres consisting of level valley bottom land at 30 meters above sea level rising to upland grazing at 300 meters above sea level. It also has 250 acres of managed woodlands comprising native trees and conifers.

The farm enterprises consist of both livestock and arable. 350 cow dairy herd is milked through 5 Delaval VMS 300 robots, which will be open for viewing on the day. 200 head of Dairy Youngstock are reared a grazed on the farm along with 200 head of Aberdeen Angus X beef cattle which are grazed at Trawscoed and finished on the Gogerddan site.

A flock of 400 ewes consisting of pedigree Texel, Blueface Leicester, a flock of Beulah ewes are run to provide mule ewes for commercial lamb production.

Five cuts of grass silage taken from predominately Germinal HS2 leys with red clover. The arable area is used to produce as much starch and protein as possible to feed the livestock. Peas and Spring Barley grown at a ratio 70/30 and crimped for cattle diets to provide 16% protein feed.

Lupins are grown and have been successfully included in the beef cattle finishing diets eliminating bought in Soya. Winter Beans grown for inclusion in the dairy cow TMR diet with no detrimental effect on milk production when soya in the diet is reduced. We have been asked to remove Soya from our diets by our milk purchaser so must find an alternative protein source. Hybrid Rye is grown for Wholecrop to add to dairy cow diets. Winter Wheat, Winter Barley and Winter Oats grown for inclusion in home mixed concentrate rations. Most of the arable crops will be grown on site for viewing when you attend the event.

Aberystwyth University welcomes you to view the facilities and looks forward to a very successful day of sharing knowledge to sustain the efficient production of food in the changing climatic conditions.

The 2024 Sustainable Grass and Muck event will host several industry leaders, organisations and companies from all sectors making it a must visit for anybody interested in the future of farming.


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Thu, 30 May (This show has past)

Aberystwyth University Farm, Trawsgoed,
SY23 4HS

01982 553683

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