Dalmally Show

Dalmally Show is a well-attended show where you can enjoy a variety of attractions, view exceptional exhibits, and sample wonderful Highland produce in a spectacular setting.

At the show's heart are the agricultural events on which it was founded, including the judging of highland & commercial beef cattle, black face sheep, and poultry, and competitions for dogs, baking, preserves, horticulture, painting, and much more.

The show ground centres around the village shinty field, where entertainment, including pipe band music and a keenly contested junior shinty tournament, unfolds.

Dalmally Show is run by a dedicated group of local volunteers, who agonise, persevere, beg, borrow and encourage throughout the year, bringing the community together for this highlight in the Argyll calendar.

The show continues to go from strength to strength and we look forward to greeting old and new friends alike.


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Sat, 6 Sep

Argyll and Bute,
PA33 1AY

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