British Shooting Show

The British Shooting Show is the UK’s flagship shooting event.

The shooting industry’s leading manufacturers, distributors, retailers and shooting organisations come together to offer visitors the largest and most varied choice of shooting related products seen anywhere in Europe.

Many manufacturers choose to launch their brand new products exclusively at the show giving visitors the chance to be among the first to see and handle newly designed products straight from the manufacturer.

The show covers all disciplines of shooting and shooting related interests, featuring shot guns, rifles, airguns, optics, knives, game keeping, airsoft, arena displays, airgun ranges, private arms collections, gun-dogs, archery, gunsmith demonstrations and lots, lots more.

All in the company of experts, enthusiasts, professionals and friends


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Fri, 14 Feb - Sun, 16 Feb (This show has past)

NEC, Birmingham,
West Midlands,
B40 1NT

01258 857 700

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