Kew Village Market

It’s like being in France!’ said a visitor, emerging from Kew Gardens station to the colourful array of stalls selling everything from artisan bread and cheeses, the freshest meat, fish and game, deli delights and sweet treats to the best local crafts.

Once a month the village streets are closed to traffic and become a bustling market of around 45 stalls, all from independent traders. Most are food-related and attend regularly, whereas the arts and crafts stalls rotate month by month. To help you plan your shopping in advance, a week before each market you can find a list of the month’s stalls and their seasonal produce. And if you’re interested running your own stall, you can apply through our website.

Kew Village Market is run by the community – all the organisers are volunteers and live in the area – for the community, and one of its most important aims is to help local good causes. All the profits made by the Kew Village Market Committee are donated to charity; thanks to the support of residents and stallholders, since the market was launched cheques totalling over £60,000 have been given to neighbourhood charities. To find out more, or perhaps to nominate a worthy cause, see the Charity page on our website.

Where to find us

Kew Village Market,
Station Parade,
Richmond TW9 3PZ

Visit Website