
Airinov was founded in 2010 by a passionate team of 2 engineers, Corentin and Florent, and 1 farmers’ son, Romain. Together they started building drones in a barn in the middle of the fields (French version of Silicon Valley’s garage!), with the idea of bringing this new tool to farmers. In no time, farmers told them that they wanted more than nice pictures or coloured maps which they didn’t understand…

As stubborn as farmers can be, the three founders persevered and found a solution by partnering with world-class agronomic research institute INRA to invent the first-ever multi-spectral sensor for drones, in order to measure crop growth. This was the start of a genuine, strong specialisation in agriculture that led them to continuously improve their sensor and shape the first cutting-edge data processing platform to transform multispectral images in high value-added maps (fertilisation).

The first clients to adopt the technology were world-leading research centers (seeds manufacturers, universities, chemical companies…), convinced by the precision and swiftness of the tool. They were soon to be followed by farmers, once Airinov managed to find the right model to adapt the technology to their needs: an integrated, practical and useful solution which can be summed up in a mantra “we do not sell drones, we sell a service”.

Airinov is now based in Paris, boasts a team of 40+ talented employees and provides its services to 5,000+ farmers with a network of 50+ flight operators in France. Thanks to the renewed trust of world-famous leisure and toy drones company Parrot, Airinov is opening a new page of its history by going abroad to sell its services all over the world.

Where to find us

47 rue des Vinaigriers

+33 1 48 03 90 37

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