The NFU President has urged farmers to participate in the government's consultation on the future of farming, calling it a "vital moment in time".
Minette Batters has urged farmers to take part in the government’s consultation on its Command Paper 'Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit'.
The consultation will run for 10 weeks, closing on May 8. The government says that it provides an opportunity for farmers to be more central to government thinking than at any time for fifty years.
More than 150 farmers and members of the public took part in a photo-call organised by the NFU on Tuesday (24 April) urging people to show their support for British farming and food production by responding to the consultation.
It is the latest initiative in the NFU’s Speak Up For Farming’s Future campaign and comes out just two weeks before the ‘Health and Harmony’ consultation closes.
Among the crowd were members of NFU Council and active supporters of the NFU’s Back British Farming campaign.
'Influential time'
NFU President Minette Batters said it is both a "historic and influential time" for the farming sector with the current consultation looking to develop future farming policy.
“This is the time for the voice of farming to be heard loud and clear. It is also fantastic to see such a positive response from people out in force on social media and online saying why they think British food farming is so important to the nation, both now and post-Brexit,” Ms Batters said.
“The Government’s Health and Harmony consultation gives every single person in this country the chance to make clear the importance of British food and farming to the nation.”
'Food at the heart'
Ms Batters said it is a "vital moment in time" for emphasis on a profitable, progressive and productive farming industry - with food at the heart.
“The continued availability of high quality, safe and traceable food, affordable for everyone, is key to a successful Brexit,” she added.
The NFU has gathered views of its membership in over 30 meetings across the country and is now starting to form its response.
However, there is still time for farmers to ensure their voices are heard by government ahead of the 8 May deadline by emailing Defra directly: